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over 5 years ago by Emma Love

The Power of Having a Go

Lecture Hall

This is a photo of an empty lecture hall, a few minutes before the doors opened to our first ever university lecture. Ready to mould young minds, alongside some friends of mine.

Behind the camera is me. Bricking it.

But I did it. It was fine. Rather good, actually. The positive feedback we received afterwards from the uni – if I’m honest - was humbling. 

When we were first asked to run this lecture, my immediate thought was to say no. Mainly because we’d not done one before (read: I was worried I might be a bit shit) but it turned out to be really enjoyable; certainly something I'll be making a habit of.

So my point is this. Sometimes it's best to go against your gut and say "yes, alright, I’ll give that a go". Throw yourself in. Send the lift back down, if you can. All that good stuff. You never know where it might take you. And even if you help just one person, then it's worth it for that alone.
